This close-up of our curtain doesn't begin to capture how bright and bold that pattern really is. I was nervous when it first arrived, but after putting it up and living with it for a while, I fell in love.
A tour of our bathroom wouldn't be complete or genuine without a nice potty-seat-shot. Can't wait to get that thing outta there!
This is by far my favorite part about our bathroom. One of the easiest and most bang-for-your-buck fixes that can be done in a rental bathroom. Everyone should have a rain shower head.
And this would be the view from inside the shower. Boring, right? My point of including this is to show you how bare that opposite wall is and how I desperately need to find something to put there. I've considered wall decals or just a big piece of art, but nothing seems quite right. So, I'm on the lookout!
I love the lantern!