15 things about Me:
1. I am married to the perfect guy for me. We have been through so much together but we have always remained friends above all else. I believe that friendship is what makes our marriage so strong. I am very blessed to have Rusty in my life to take my hand and walk with me wherever God leads us!
2. I am a mommy and I love it. It is not without its challenges, but it is the single-most rewarding experience I've ever had. My little "Dot" is the light of my life and she makes things worth doing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she saved me and made the way for the life that I am supposed to have.
3. I am a procrastinator. Why do you think I'm doing this right now? Because I desperately do not want to write a paper...
4. I really love to shop online, and I very rarely actually buy anything. I suppose it's another form of procrastination.
5. I miss my family every single day. Sometimes I cry, but I don't want my Momma to worry. I know I am where I need to be. It just gets tough.
6. I really love music. I am surrounded by it almost constantly. I wish so much that I had something to contribute musically. I cannot play an instrument or sing. I really wish I could sing.
7. Sometimes I want to be the perfect housewife, sometimes I want to be this strong, power-chick. Most of the time I want both.
8. I'm learning to say nice things to myself.
9. I like The Hills, One Tree Hill, cheerleading, and trashy VH1 reality shows. Sue me.
10. I am really terrible at house work. Actually, the quality of the work when it is done is fine, it's just that I rarely get it done. I need to work on this everyday.
11. I have a freckle above my left eyebrow that I really like.
12. I'm a lot smarter than my transcript would have you believe if you were to get a hold of it. I struggled for a while, now I'm back on the horse and ready to finish this race.
13. I really want to write and publish a book. Maybe a novel, maybe a non-fiction kind of thing.
14. I function best on about 6 hours of sleep. If I get more than 8 I am dead to the world.
15. I am really skeptical of most people. Don't mind me if we are out sometime and I am "scanning" people for guns. When you have a baby you'll understand.
Kel -- You're such a beautiful person! I'm very proud of you and what a lovely grown-up you are :)