Thursday, July 29, 2010
a lovely home: workspace design board

a lovely home: workspace

Thursday, July 22, 2010
a lovely home: master bedroom
We recently moved (again) and are finally feeling a bit settled. A few things are still out of place, but the living room, kitchen, and the baby's room feel like home. Our master bedroom, however, just feels so empty (except when there are dirty clothes on the floor). My parents recently bought us a white down duvet set, which we love! It feels like you're sleeping with a billion marshmallows. And a couple weekends ago we bought some grey sheets from Target, a gray throw pillow, and 2 matching side-table lamps. I really love the medium grey and white together. It looks so calm and clean.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
lovely tunes: i heard a lion

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
lovely recipes: sweet sangria!
Here’s how:
You’ll need:
-Pineapple Juice
-Orange Juice
-Lemon or Lime Juice
-Red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon goes really well.)
-Lots of fruit! Pick your favorites, this is what we used:
-Grape Fruit
More ‘exotic’ fruits go best. Depending on how many people you may be serving, you’ll have to use your judgement on how much fruit and juice you’ll need.
What to do:
-Cut fruit into very small pieces. Particularly for the grape fruit, make sure you don’t have any skin or pulp. (Remember, the fruit will actually be in the drink, so keep everything small enough to sip.)
-Throw everything into one bowl and stir it up!
-Mix pineapple juice and orange juice into container or pitcher. Keep it about 3/4 pineapple juice and 1/4 orange. Put just a splash of lemon or lime juice in.
-Pour fruit into juice mixture. Everything should even out to be about 1/2 juice, 1/2 fruit.
Now, when it comes to this tasty drink, it’s really your preference on whether or not you want to add the wine. The juice by itself is still phenomenal! At the bridal shower, we put the sangria juice in a container with a ladle (pretty much like fruit punch), with the wine right next to it, for guests to add the alcohol only if the wanted. If you choose to just mix it prior, and simply serve it alcoholic, keep it about 1/2 juice and fruit and 1/2 wine.
Monday, July 19, 2010
lovely crafts: my line of bags

Friday, July 16, 2010
New Kid on the Block
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
New Launch Date
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It'll Be Worth the Wait!
I have finally ordered Internet so things will be MUCH easier. Plus, we're all moved in now and the stress of unpacking is almost gone!
Hope you'll stay tuned!
Be lovely, everyone.